A life of love

A life of love
Everyone should have a Great Pyrenees

Saturday, August 15, 2009

We are HOME!!!!!

Hi all,
Just a short post for those of you who are following this from afar (like my folks who are traveling).

We are home and all eight kids snug in bed! It was a long evening at the hospital, and turns out all our experience paid off, as Steve and I were correct on what we thought needed to be done. We had a bit of panic for a while as at first the doctor who was consulting via phone wanted to admit Aman, who was doing beautifully. After some calls back and forth, I think the resident who was working with us convinced the endocrinologist that the child sitting in front of him was in good health and that he would feel quite silly admitting him! LOL! thank goodness as the thought of putting everyone else up in a hotel room for the night was a horrible thought!

It turned out fine, the doctors worked out a plan for how we should dose Aman over the weekend and we will go from there. The numbers that we had rolling around in our heads turned out to be the same ones the doctors gave us!!! So, we were doing okay from the beginning.

The kids are amazing. Just amazing. And all lovely. It was a long, tiring night after a long tiring 27 hours, but everyone made it. I will post more later, but right now I really want to spend time with my very tired hubby! He didn't sleep the entire way, and only about 45 minutes on the drive home. Poor guy! I SOOOOO remember! LOL!

Thank you Lord for all the kindness.

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