A life of love

A life of love
Everyone should have a Great Pyrenees

Monday, May 4, 2009

Not Me Monday (my first try)

Here is my first try at this! There are times where we take ourselves too seriously and find it hard to admit to our shortcomings, and or eccentricities! So, McMama came up with this:
Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

There are so many times, so many things in this crazy life!
I didn't rush documents to an office supply store, beg someone to show me a thumb drive, and one that would work for what I needed, have them copy 20 some pages of documents and then scan them onto said thumb drive, and then rush to the nearest wi-fi hot spot so I could then set up my laptop, and promptly call my husband so he could tell me how to use the thumb drive, get said documents onto an email and send them off - nope, not me! I didn't look like a total technological fool - nope, not me!

I didn't wonder if one of our mares was pregnant on Saturday, thinking that maybe yes, she was, and then awake the next morning to a child standing over me telling me that there was a baby horse in the pasture - nope, not me!

Okay, maybe lame for a first try, but a first try at this it was! Funny!

1 comment:

gbmom2407 said...

you are not lame... YOU ROCK!