I think I can officially share now, what has been going on in the background here in the last three weeks.
We are in process of an independent adoption of a baby boy to be born in April, and yes, he does have the diagnosis of Down Syndrome. The birth family lives in our state and just does not feel that they can give him what he will need and what they so much want him to have. They have made a mature, committed decision - they aren't kids, they are married, they do have another child. This is just something that they feel is beyond them. I am so grateful that they chose to give this child life, and to do the most loving thing if they really feel they cannot give him what he needs. This will be an open adoption, some contact, we will work it out. I am so very honored that they have chosen our family for this lovely gift! It is truly a God thing, this was not something we pursued or have begun to strive for, in fact it generally was something that I wasn't sure we would ever do! LOL! As usual God has other ideas and I have such amazing peace about it.
So, we are back in the paperwork and getting funds stage, but with a very short timeline! So, I am picking up hours whenever I can, and selling whatever is extra or not needed, and we are praying that God continues to bless our efforts. It is scary to look at how quickly things need to happen, but that is not my job - that is God's. And it is also tax return time! So, we are praying that everything lines up correctly!
Baby, wow, baby!!! We haven't had a baby in our house for about two years (our last foster child)!
On another note, it is winter in Wisconsin! Ugh. I am so grateful that we are now in February, as there is a baby goat in the laundry room, likely for the winter. (On a side note, Zeri just came in with an egg!!! Who would have thought that an egg could bring about so much rejoicing, but with shorter days and the colder weather, the chickens have not been laying and we are getting where we really miss our food source!!! I have been saying that now that the days are getting longer, the chickens should start laying, but it has been very few and far between - which for a family of ten is a big deal - I hate to buy store bought eggs, they just don't taste so good, and we go through LOTS of eggs!) Anyway back to baby goat - he is our next breeding buck with the bloodlines we want, so there is NO WAY we are risking losing him and after his bout with pneumonia, it is just too risky to put him back out in the cold yet. Sigh. So, he lives in the laundry room, paper and hay on the floor, baby gate keeping him in there, and lots of company visiting him. Not quite what I ever imagined, but there it is.
And that doesn't mention the 78 chicks in the living room in stock tanks. Yep. Not kidding. These are the kids' show birds for fair this summer and they come as day old chicks the first week in January. When they are really small, the temperature is a huge thing so we need to keep a close eye on them, hence the living room. Now that they are bigger, they are soon moving to the BASEMENT!!!! We set up larger brooders down there, and they stay there until the weather is nice and they can go to our outside chick run - a place we have set apart for the young show birds so our older birds don't pick on them. They need to be beautiful! Once fair is done, well, then they go right in with the rest of the flock, but until then, they are the most pampered of chickens! LOL! I am very ready to move them to the basement today! And then scrub everything down again! (The chicks really are contained, but as they get older, well, there is an "odor".)
Other than that, life on the farm at this point is just getting through the long last bit of winter. It is encouraging to look at spring coming and know that we are on the downside and that now it is just a matter of time until the warmer weather comes. Warmer weather brings lots of work but oh, so much more comfort in doing it!
Well, got to run! I have the opportunity to work today and it goes right into baby boy fund (as long as all other bills are paid!). God's got it, he isn't surprised that we are at this point, but we will so gladly take any and all prayers as we get ready for this new chapter. (By the way, in case anyone was wondering, the kids are thrilled! The boys don't want to change diapers, but other than that no one has any concerns! LOL! We clearly discussed Down Syndrome - and we know several kids my kiddos ages with DS - and they weren't concerned at all. Actually were upset that someone might not be happy for us about this baby. As Kiley puts it "It is a baby, a wonderful baby. He just happens to have Down Syndrome.". Talk about a loved baby - eight big brothers and sisters to love on him and help mom and dad! Adored will be the only way to describe his little life!)
Love to all, have a great day!
Congrats!! I haven't checked in with y'all in a long while. Guess what? We're also in the process of adopting our eigth and he has Autism. I find it amazing the similarites between our two very unique families.
Congratulations to you too Stephanie! It is very funny how our families are so similar in so many ways! LOL! Isn't life amazing??? Keep me posted on your progress! Is this domestic or international? We are finding it is a whole different ballgame with a domestic adoption - streamlined would be a simple way to put it, but this one is really on the fast track! Praying our baby waits until full term or close to be born!
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