A life of love

A life of love
Everyone should have a Great Pyrenees

Saturday, January 23, 2010

A deep post...

that I borrowed from someone else! I read this and just had to share. It put so much so beautifully, so well. So, I am borrowing from someone else. I have been so blessed by this particular blog, I follow so many that are such blessings!

The 30 Day Journey for Hope

I know that we have seen so many blessings from God even during what can feel like hard times. Today we were visited by yet another angel, a dear friend who is teaching us "goat farming" and putting up with all our mistakes and supporting us throughout. She has been such a kind teacher and always uplifting, not only in our efforts with our goats, but in our family life! She always has such a kind an encouraging word and it blesses us immensely.

I am trying a new thing, aiming to read one book a week and comment on it. I read a lot, I mean, a lot! I have so many books surrounding me that at times either I will never finish them in my lifetime, or I will just be really busy. By the way, that is what I do when I cannot sleep or am worried about something. I love books! Quite literally. My idea of a great date with my hubby was dinner out and a trip to our local bookstore! LOL!

Today I just finished "Gifts 2: How People with Down Syndrome Enrich the World" Edited by Kathryn Lynard Soper. It is wonderful. Lots of stories from people whose lives have been touched by Down Syndrome - parents, grandparents, siblings, other relatives, friends, teachers, therapists, etc. It was really encouraging to see how positive people can be, to look at all that really matters in the world and all the blessings each individual can and does offer. I enjoyed each and every story and would highly recommend it. There is a book "Gifts: Mothers Reflect on How Children with Down Syndrome Enrich Their Lives", edited by the same person. I am going to have to go and look for that book! I highly recommend Gifts 2, whether your life has been touched by Down Syndrome or not. It really makes you think about the blessings of everyone in our world!



Laurie Neverman, The Common Sense Woman said...

Are you thinking about adopting a child with Down's Syndrome? I know you've had something on your mind recently... Whatever's in the works, I know you'll come through it as a family.

Christy O said...

Yeah, we actually are. We have been contacted about a baby to be born in April. Things are in process but in independent adoption you never really know what might happen. And so much more to do..... Homestudy and all that again as well as wrapping our minds around the thought of a newborn again, and a small one to boot! We shall see.

Jean said...

Hi Christy-
I love your blog and your family! We have 5 bio kids and 2 adopted and 2 more on the way!

Looking forward to following your next adoption journey and life with your crew!

Christy O said...

Hi Jean!
Congrats on your kiddos and the ones coming! It is so exciting and hard at the same time. Adoption is such an amazing thing, we have been so very blessed!

I am trying to post more often, but wonderful life with the crew keeps us busy!

Thanks for reading!

Anonymous said...

Pretty cool place you've got here. Thanks for it. I like such topics and everything connected to this matter. I definitely want to read more soon.

Best regards
Steave Markson

Christy O said...

Thanks Steave! I am so glad people are finding my blog and I hope that it makes people think - as well as laugh! Our life is crazy appearing at times, but we are so very blessed with the richness of life (not funds but life!). I am always amazed as I talk to other folks who walk similar roads and love to talk with them. We make a unique community but oh, so supportive! It brings such warmth to my heart to share our struggles, joys and fears with others, and then to hear their thoughts!
Thanks for taking the time to read!