A life of love

A life of love
Everyone should have a Great Pyrenees

Sunday, July 25, 2010

And yet another silly post!

Well, we are home from fair! Many pretty ribbons earned by the kids! Lots of dirty, muddy laundry in process! Tired parents, tired kids, animals all happy to be home.

And now, my angora rabbit (that got a top blue) has a respiratory something that seems to have just come on. Sigh. Not too bad, I don't think but I need to catch it fast. So, after facebooking friends who may have some ideas, I have been out in my pjs, searching for plantain, dandelions and then making an organic respiratory tea! For the RABBIT!!!!!! I cannot decide if I feel heroic or silly. On the other hand, she is very happily munching what I gave her, and hopefully sipping on the tea I made for her.

I am simply trying to decide if this means I am a very good pet owner/breeder, or just silly! Tomorrow hopefully will run her by a breeder friend for his opinion as well. Thank goodness we live out here, with no visible neighbors, or this could be really embarrassing!!!! LOL!

Maybe I am just over tired to find this so funny!

I think on that note, I had better head to bed! Hugs to everyone - if I can ever figure out how to post photos, I sure will!!!! Fair was wonderful as always - eight exhausted kids upstairs! Tired parents down here! All very happy to be home, but wow, you should see my laundry room! And that is after four loads of laundry done!!!! Ugh!

"For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans for hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

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